Uwa Mom of the Week Hannah
The Doctor Becomes the Patient
Were there any complications, expected/unexpected with your pregnancy?
Yes, unfortunately I had delayed postpartum hemorrhage (abnormal bleeding) 3 weeks out due to a retained product of conception (baby and/or placenta material). I had to get a blood transfusion and readmitted to the hospital at that time. It was because we didn't do a manual sweep since I was in so much pain after having a natural delivery.
Did you feel supported or prepared for birth/postpartum while pregnant? In what ways yes or no?
I am a pediatrician so I knew some things about birth/postpartum. However, I did not expect that it would be as difficult as it was with all the work, cleaning, changing. It was truly like being on call 24/7.
Did you have a birth plan going into your delivery?
For my first, I wanted the epidural and everything. For my second, since I had many complications with my epidural, I wanted a natural delivery as much as possible.
How did reality compare with your expectations/preparations?
My epidural was very painful and I unfortunately had some complications. The natural delivery was also very painful.
Were there any complications with your delivery? How did your medical team address the after effects?
My delivery itself was uncomplicated. My first child I had a 2nd degree tear and healed well after stitches
My second child I had a first degree tear and healed well
How far out postpartum are you currently?
4.5 months
What 3 words come to mind when you recall your postpartum experience(s)?
Painful, scary and exhausting
How has your postpartum experience(s) compared with your expectations?
With my first, I was surprised with how exhausting it was. I spent a lot of time crying in the shower, having angry bursts or crying out of no where. All the hormones, lack of sleep and lack of support was surprising. With my second, I knew all that going in, so I prepared by having family support, hiring multiple Korean postpartum help, having more family around to help me.
What was the biggest challenge/surprise in your early postpartum experience(s)?
I think finding time for myself was nonexistent since there are so many things to do. Unfortunately my husband was also working full time after I delivered my first. So I did all the baby watching, cooking, cleaning, organizing. It would have been smarter if I had hired some form of help along the way.
What was the biggest challenge/surprise in your late postpartum experience(s)?
The chronic built up fatigue really can make life difficult..... creating more emotional whirlwinds.
How did your medical team/community help you navigate those challenges?
With my 2nd, they medically managed my postpartum hemorrhage (abnormal bleeding), but otherwise there wasn't much my medical team did to help me with my incontinence, pain, emotional difficulties.
What sort of support services did you seek out or wish you had sought out during your postpartum experience(s)?
I wish I had more hands on support when I had my first so I could have more time with our new baby. If I had someone to make one meal a day or do our laundry 3 times a week so I could sleep and rest, I don't think I would have had as much emotional lability.
If you are also working outside of your home in any way, what has been your return to work experience?
Thankfully I am able to work part time so my transition has been pretty smooth.
If you are a full time at home caregiver what has been your experience returning to your duties at home?
I work part time and so I hired a nanny who watches our baby and cleans/cooks on the days that I am gone.
What do you wish you had done sooner or differently during your postpartum?
I wish I had more physical support so that I could get physical rest. I noticed my emotional distress stemmed from extreme physical exhaustion as I was trying to breastfeed and sleep and cook/clean all together.
What is the one self-care thing that you make time for or wish you did more often?
1 hour to myself daily to do whatever I want, whether I shower or clean or exercise.